
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Walters’ Rules Of Wrist 6-03-2014

If someone requires you to accept being treated as an inferior, they are not your friend.

If the price for your friendship is to accept being treated as inferior, the price is too high.


Liars think everyone lies about everything.


If you tell someone it isn’t okay to be upset about something, especially when they’re already upset, you’re a cunt. You are not enlightened and sharing your wisdom, you are not helping, you are just a goddamned twatheaded fuck.

If you are the reason someone is upset, and you tell them it isn’t okay to be upset, you are nothing but a twunt. But you should be a twunt with a fat lip.


Unwanted advice is unwanted. Unwanted advice that disregards part of the problem so the advisor can maintain feelings of superiority is twuntish. This may upset someone. See previous.


Compensating for fear, depression, or feelings of inadequacy by talking down to people is twuntish, and may upset someone. See previously previous.


If you act superior to everyone else, yet you live a life no one would choose, you are being laughed at.


If you think life is a competition wherein you have to be the superlative (Best _____, Worst _____, Most _____, _____-est) in every conversation in order to win, you have already lost.


Trying to live up to your own reputation ceases to be living when it keeps you from growing, or worse, causes regression. It eventually turns you into a cartoon version of yourself. And you will be laughed at.


If they think you might be spouting bullshit, and, instead of offering proof you just yell and act intimidating, they do become certain. That you're spouting bullshit.


If you think, by your romantic experience, that women are crazy, then I’ve got news for you: it’s not them; it’s you.

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