The reflexes developed from parenting are hard wired, and permanent, as long as the instinct was there to begin with.
Seeing someone younger, or less capable about to enter a problem you can help with will trigger these reflexes. If they are not a child, and especially not your child
before helping. The presumption of superiority frequently makes ones' help totally unwelcome. But, if you ask, and they accept, help away BEING CONSCIOUS OF BOUNDARIES THE WHOLE TIME.
It is no one's sole job to take care of everyone else. Some people believe that it is, and deny themselves care, caring, comfort, kindness, honest compliments, or decent treatment because they believe it's their job to provide those for others.
But if your own supply isn't restocked from outside what have you to give?
You are just as deserving of decency, care, and good treatment as those you give those things to. No, not "But". Shush. I'm right.
You feel how they make you feel.
Wait. Rewrite.
You feel how YOU LET THEM make you feel.
Yes. That’s it.
If they try to make you feel bad DON’T LET THEM.
If they make you feel good LET THEM*.
While it's true that you feel how you feel, and can't decide otherwise, you can decide what stimuli you have in your life.
You have a say in what actions you accept towards yourself. If you’re upset because you read an email/letter/msg from someone whose communications regularly upset you, that’s not really them upsetting you; that’s you allowing yourself to be upset. Do you have a good reason for communicating with them, ie kids, business, property, family? No? DON’T DEAL WITH THEM.
Conversely, if someone regularly sends/says things that make you feel good accept them, and revel/bask. If it feels good to be around them do so.
Figure out what your brick wall is and stop fucking headbutting it, because it ain’t coming down. Doing the same thing hoping for different results is nuts.
Any conditioned reflex or compulsion can be retrained. Even instincts can be ignored. We are the only animal who can choose to act contrary to instincts. No matter what your life has taught you to do/think/feel you can choose to do differently.
Drunks can stop drinking.
Smokers can stop smoking.
Co-dependents can stop running to their side when they call.
You have a choice, even if that choice is to behave in a way completely foreign to yourself. Yes, doing something new and different is the unknown. Yes, the unknown is frightening. But it might not hurt. Hell, it might even feel good. What you’ve been doing hurts. Isn’t that a worthy gamble?
If he regularly buys you expensive gifts, and he’s not rich, he thinks you’re his future. Really. No, he’s not just generous. Dumbass. Seriously. Dumbass.
Informed consent is the key to anything working out. Accurate self-assessment is the key to informed consent. If someone is emotionally, or intellectually incapable of accurate self-assessment then their consent will never be fully informed. Two people similarly incapable will involve themselves in a mess.
Spending time with the Old, and the New does not synthesize one perfect partner. Your feelings, and motivations are very suspect if you do.
If you want them to move on LET THEM. If you say you want them to move on act like it.
If you want to move on, do that. Acting contrary to feelings that may prevent that. See several rules above.
If you're comparing the new to the old constantly you haven't really moved on.
How you think of someone you are interested in must only be based on that person, not them in comparison to another.
A way to tell someone really loves you: they know everything about you and love you in spite of it.
Telling them everything doesn’t mean they know everything.
Some people decide to feel a certain way, and refuse to let their actions be influenced by reality at all. Sometimes they want it to be true so badly they don't actually hear anything anyone says. They may have fallen in a short time for a false image of you, and can't let go of it no matter what you have done in the past.
Someone who’s made up their mind to feel a certain way doesn’t really feel that way. They can act like they do, and sometimes feelings will adjust to the action. But more often the feeling doesn’t develop, and it leaves the person seeming desperate or crazy acting as though it has. There’s always a sense of trying to stay ahead of something. Sometimes this artificial decided-on feeling becomes ritualized, even dogmatic. But it isn't real.
The most tragic of these type of feelings is that which a person believes they should feel. He treats me well so I should love him. She treats me badly so I shouldn't love her. I was taught this in church so I should feel it's true. YOU FEEL HOW YOU FEEL. There is nothing you can do about that. You can act counter to your feelings, but you can't make your feelings run counter to themselves.
Not acting on real feelings can be sensible, and kind. Acting on decided-on feelings is false, and can be terribly cruel.
It doesn’t matter someone’s chronological age, or their ability to hold a job. They can be a child regardless.
Being Dumbasses, Control Freaks mistake deciding when and how they hurt for controlling hurt. They write off whole possibilities, and allow real love to pass them by just to avoid being swept up in an unknown, and maybe get hurt in a way they didn't plan on.
What they don't realize is that in narrowing the scope of their actions they are not minimizing only the risk of damage, but joy as well. That vigilance against pain, that need to control outcomes doesn't allow for wild happiness; only tame, manufactured, safe contentment. In the final balance all the safe, predictable things a Control Freak actually does are dwarfed by the potential they have shut themselves off from. These people allow fear to rule their lives, and that's just sad.
So are the "What ifs" that will pop up in quiet moments forever: What If he meant every word? What If she was sorry? What If they really did forgive me? Etc, and so forth. Those are not good company in your old age.
The only thing Control Freak should ever try to control is the need to control outcomes. Then at least if they get hurt it's whole, real pain they can grow from, instead of managed, regulated, medicated half-pain that leaves them broken. Because in the end, the regret over not having honestly tried with someone hurts so much worse than the pain of them leaving. And there are no drugs, drinks, or rebounds that can dull that hurt.
Pisces actually rule the world; we're just really passive-aggressive about it.
If you are angry, upset, vexed or annoyed at
because they haven't forgiven
for hurting
you have none.
When getting advice on relationships it's good to consider whether the adviser has ever had a successful one. Consider: are they married, and for how long; if single, do they date anyone who isn't married; have they ever been involved with anyone who wasn't insane? If your adviser has had a long run of unhappy, unsuccessful relationships then take their advice with a grain of salt. Or a fifth of tequila. Because even if they say something you like that you believe leads to happiness it's meaningless; you can't use as a guide someone who's never been there.
Conversely, commiserating with someone who has fucked up in similar or identical ways will actually lead you to somewhere better, provided you want to not be the person who fucks up like that anymore. Knowing you're not alone makes a big difference.
Asking different people until you hear what you want is for teenagers. Adults know the real answer is the one they don't want to hear, but hear repeatedly.
All the rationalization in the world will not shield you from Karma.
Anything born of another's anguish is not worth the price.
After causing great harm to another some people say "I didn't mean to..." Or "That wasn't my intention..." to which the Universe replies "Karma's in the mail".
(The wronged party is entitled to "Go to hell", or "Go fornicate yourself with an iron stick".)
Once you find yourself saying things like “I don’t want you to hate me” you have probably surrendered the moral high-ground so totally the French Army would be embarrassed over your retreat.
You have NO say in how they feel. If they don’t feel the way you want them to TOO BAD.
If you want them to feel differently then act in a way that earns it.
Two mirrors facing each other will only reflect an object placed between them, and that, endlessly. Without that object they reflect empty refection. Endlessly.
Boundaries define us, like lines define the end of one object and the beginning of another. When someone has clearly stated their boundaries, and you purposefully ignore them you are saying to that person “I’m more important than what defines you. You don’t matter.” Don’t get mad at them for being offended; figure out what’s lacking in you that makes you seek that kind of inappropriate validation. Because this is all your problem, not theirs.
You want to understand them? Then you don’t matter when analyzing them. You have to be able to eliminate all trace of your wants, wishes, and hurts to be able to understand them. Otherwise you’re just looking at them as some kind of extension of you, and that’s not really them.
Suddenly feeling good is often mistaken for happiness.
By control freaks who discover that drinking lets them relax,
by the shy having a line of cocaine and being suddenly confident,
by someone confused dropping acid and being able to clearly articulate what was in them finally,
by a bi-polar who, after months of depression triggers a manic and can finally do something useful again.
None of these states are happiness; they are highs. Highs always level off. Sometimes, when a person thinks that happiness truly depends on the substance/person/condition they end up dependent, even after no more good feeling comes from it.
It's never all one person's doing.
If you say something intentionally because you know it will provoke an extreme response you, not they, are the one being childish.
If you need to be
So much
That he will:
· Wreck his life,
· Forget his morals,
· Act in a way contrary to his nature,
· Regularly suffer pain, or humiliation to be near you
Then you really
Not all infidelity involves sex.
You may not be lying; doesn’t mean you’re telling the truth, though.
It is patently impossible to accurately analyze another person when you have no clue who you are.
If you do unto them
what they once did unto you
you turn into the asshole they were.
Everyone is more than their relationship to you.
Yet another way to know you love them: your anger evaporates when their safety is threatened.
If what you’re doing must be kept from those you find most trustworthy it probably isn’t; if you’re really doing something okay then you shouldn’t need to hide it. If you feel the need to lie about what you’re up to it probably shouldn’t be done. Justifying lying with “They wouldn’t understand” isn’t really a justification, and it’s not really accurate: THEY understand perfectly well; YOU are missing something.
If it’s about the money you’re a whore. If you tell yourself it’s love because you don’t like to think of yourself as a whore then…
you’re a self-deluding whore.
If you don’t want them to be with someone else don’t tell them to be with someone else. DUH.
Saying you want one thing, yet expecting someone to know you mean the opposite is…how to be diplomatic…I can’t: IT’S FUCKING STUPID. Even supposing someone can read your mind they deserve the courtesy of being told the truth; everyone else has to be.
Someone who
caters to your every whim,
tells you only good things about yourself,
makes you feel like the center of the universe,
does everything you want,
is a sycophant.
Or a puppy.
If the first thing you say about Them is “They Bought Me ______” whenever They come up in conversation, then you may want to consider what THEY GET FROM YOU. (If all you can come up with is something sexual then you are know).
If you are going to be a judgmental (Son Of A) Bitch then you must:
1) Judge yourself first, and without pity,
2) Be Right.
When someone who's totally incompetent at psychoanalysis attempts to psychoanalyze someone who's really good at it it's rather like a toddler attempting to kick start a Harley-Davidson: kind of cute, and charming in its fumbling ineptness, but potentially terrible if something accidentally kicks over.
*As long as you, or they aren’t going behind someone else’s back, or breaking vows to spend time together. Your commitments have to come first, for the sake of your integrity, conscience, and trust. Only teenagers can rationalize past that.
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