
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Piece written tonight, and read at Beat Night (Knife)

(There have been minor revisions, as I hadn't edited at all before performing it; I cleaned up word choice in some spots, and smoothed out some phrasing, implementing the edits I envisioned as I read it.)

Having recently been saddled with a bully I've been thinking about other experiences I've had with them, thus this piece:


I’d been a target
            From my first day in York, 1st grade;
                        Too Friendly
                                    Too Talkative
                                                Too Curly
            Too scared to fight back;

And that was just at school.

Up the street was an older boy, with roaming hands,
secrets, and a man’s stench; perhaps he somehow marked me as prey.

I was of the scapegoat caste, most others taking out
their horrors on us (I have to think someone got something from it all).

In 8th grade something changed, felt more urgent
                                    & I went to Star Center Flea Market
                                                & bought a boot knife
6 inches of good steel for a bad feeling,
            A remnant of a foreign Army
                        to guard me during the war of adolescence;

I pulled it twice:
            The 1st when 2 larger
                                    but younger boys
                                                demanded my watch
                                                on a path with no one watching;
                                    They fled, and for once, I didn’t;

The 2nd
            It was 9th grade. To compensate for freshman terror
                        I was loud,
                                    And obnoxious;

Never having met anyone truly dangerous
            I ignored the warnings from the 3 senior rednecks
                        That they were no one to play with
And I tried to play with them,
A kitten biting tigers’ tails;

They knew how to avoid scrutiny
            And punished
                        30 seconds at a time
                                    Every time
We passed in halls, for weeks
            even after I surrendered;

The big one was the worst, being 300lbs and stronger than me by at least 5 times;
                        The other 2 threatened; the big one did;

Optimistically I’d started the year without my knife
            Ignoring my feeling
                        but by November I’d cut pockets
                                    in jackets
                                                for concealment
                                                            & Quick draw;

One day, crossing the courtyard between German
            & study hall,
                        Grey skies turning bitter,
                                    The wind gaining an edge,
The big one came from opposite
                        Grabbed me
                                    by the back of my neck
                                                folded me in half
                                                & unbalanced
                        As my own weight
                                    choked me
                        on his thick arm;

Before my breathway was narrowed entirely
His man’s stench that reminded me
                        of roaming hands
                        and secrets;

There was panic, & resignation to instinct
            & a conscious choice
                        that stopping this
                                    was worth
                                                anything that happened
& I pulled my knife;

My head jammed into his fat belly
            (his shirt was too short to cover)
Our jackets made a tent
                                    concealing my hands
                                    from all angles,
                                    including his
And in the strange serenity of animal survival
            I chose me
            Over him
            And put the tip of my knife on his bare skin, and began to push;
That second
                        burst through two doors
Yelling for us to stop it;
Sudden breath filled my lungs
& as I stood
            I hid my knife in its place;

The big redneck stood me up straight, and made a show of putting his arm around me;
“We’re just playin’” he said,
            and the teachers left,
                        & we went our ways.

I was exhausted
            & conflicted:
Relieved I’d not been caught with a knife
            ready to enter another
But upset that I’d not even drawn blood;
            It felt an incomplete ritual
                        that the primal magic I’d tried to work
            Would surely fail now;

The next day I was too spent to care
            when the big one approached
            our table in studyhall,
                        for once
                                    in plain view of teachers;
I may have reached for my knife
by was disarmed when he asked
“Can I sit down?”

Chris Walters

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. You've been through a lot.
